“It can be changed. It’s not a finished product, remember,” affirms Sandy Beach, a systems analyst for RainFall, a large manufacturer of fiberglass bathtub and shower enclosures for bathrooms. Beach is anxiously reassuring Will Lather, a production scheduler for RainFall, who is poring over the first hard-copy output produced for him by the prototype of the new information system. “Well, it’s okay,” Lather says quietly. “I wouldn’t want to bother you with anything. Let’s see, . . . yes, here they are,” he says as he finally locates the monthly report summarizing raw materials purchased, raw materials used, and raw materials in inventory. Lather continues paging through the unwieldy computer printout. “This will be fine.” Pausing at a report, he remarks, “I’ll just have Miss Fawcett copy this part for the people in Accounting.” Turning a few more pages, he says, “And the guy in Quality Assurance should really see this column of figures, although the rest of it isn’t of much interest to him. I’ll circle it and
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