Since in the given two numbers, we have seen that all the digits are from a set of digits {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} and we know that this set is a set of octal numbers so the given numbers are octal numbers. To do an addition between two octal numbers, we will follow the following rules.
If the sum is less than 8 then there is no problem, the sum is added as a result.
If the sum is greater than or equal to 8 then first we convert the sum into an octal number system and finally take the rightmost digit in the octal number as a result and the leftmost digit is left over as a carry to the left side.
Using these rules, the addition of our two given octal numbers is as follow as:
To convert an octal number into a hexadecimal number first we will convert the octal number into a binary number. To convert an octal number into a binary number, we represent each digit of the octal number as a three bits binary number. So, the binary representation of our octal sum is as follows as:
In the second or final part for converting octal to hexadecimal, we do four bits group from the right side to the left of the decimal point and from the left side to the right of the decimal point of our binary number. In these four bits group, if some unoccupied spaces are there then these unoccupied spaces are filled up with 0's. These four bits group convert to hexadecimal by following the grouping table between Hexa and Binary.
The addition result in the hexadecimal number system is 38.A920
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