Object class Borrower to represent a borrower in library.
Name: Pat Reeds
Library No: LIB214
Max books on loan: 3
Current books on loan: 2
Initialisin new borrower via constructor
Displayin details about borrower
Amendin borrowers name
Amendin borrowers borrowing limit
Borrowin book (provided the max not been exceeded)
Returnin book (provided at least 1 book is on loan)
•exercise is only concerned with recordin how many books a borrower has currently on loan
•Borrowin a book involves addin one to the number of books currently on loan
•Returnin a book involves reducin the no of books currently on loan by 1
Test class in simple program that declares 1 instance of class & checks each of methods
Use Borrower class in program that creates 1 instance of class & then presents the user with menu:
Library System
1. Display borrowers details
2. Amend borrowers name
3. Adjust borrowers borrowin limit
4. Record borrowin of a book
5. Record return of a book
6. Exit
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