You must also override toString() method and return a user-friendly receipt of all the items in the basket in this cashier. Once you run the file that is already supplied, you must see something similar to the following:
Number of items is: 4
Total cost is: 157.69
Total tax is: 3.94
Eat Healthy Fruit Shop
12 @ 45.00 /dz
Gala Apples 45.00
2.30 kg @ 4.30 /kg
African bananas 9.89
23 @ 3.20 /pc
Qatari Lemons 73.60
1 @ 19.20 /cp
+ 10.00 Labor
Lemon mix juice 29.20
Tax: 3.94
Total cost: 161.63
Eat Healthy Fruit Shop
23.00 kg @ 33.20 /kg
Thailand Bananas 763.60
4 @ 19.20 /cp
+ 10.00 Labor
Juice Mix 86.80
Tax: 21.26
Total cost: 871.66
The answer to the question is available in the PDF file
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