JTabbed Panes for GUI Components Part 2: --- Create a JFrame program with a JTabbed pane on it with two panels that mimics a control box for a game system.
On the first panel, have 3 radio buttons for difficulty settings “Regular”, “Expert”, and “Master” and checkboxes for “Cut Scene Subtitles” and “In Game Help”.
Include an “Apply” button which tells the user in a JOptionPane what the difficulty setting is and if cutscenes and in game help are now on or off
On the second panel, have controls to order a pizza (it’s another app on this users game system.) Include radio buttons for 3 sizes (small $6, medium $10, and large $12), a textbox for the user to type in toppings (free to online orders…to make this program simpler), and a checkbox for a 10% off coupon. Have an “Order” button that gives a JOptionPane that confirms the order for the user by telling the pizza it ordered and the price.
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