Given the definition of Laptop class as follows:
public class Laptop
private String brand; //HP, Acer, ASUS
private double price; //price per unit
private int RAM; // memory space in GigaByte(GB),e.g:2,4
private int USBport; //number of USB port e.g:2, 3, 4
//normal constructor: public Laptop (String, double, int, int)
//processor method: upradeRAM(int)
//accessors: getBrand (), getPrice(), getRAM(), getUSB()
1. Write full class definition for the Laptop class.
public class Laptop {
private String brand; //HP, Acer, ASUS
private double price; //price per unit
private int RAM; // memory space in GigaByte(GB),e.g:2,4
private int USBport; //number of USB port e.g:2, 3, 4
public Laptop (String brand, double price, int RAM, int USDport) {
void upgradeRAM(int n) {
this.RAM += n;
public String getBrand() { return brand; }
public double getPrice() { return price; }
public int getRAM() { return RAM; }
public int getUSDport() { return USDport; }
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