1. Build a class Department having id (int), address (String) and projects (array list of projects) and
workers (array list of workers)
a method addWorker(int id, String name, double salRate) that creates an
instance of Worker and adds it to the workers list
d. Provide a method addProject(int id, String description, double budget) that creates a
project and adds it to the project list
e. Provide method addWorkerToProject(int projId, int wId) that searches for the project
with projId from the projects list and worker with wId from the members lists and then
adds the member to the project (you will call appropriate method of the project class
that will add the member to the project. See blow the project class for details.
f. Provide a method getProjectCost(int pid) which searches for the project with the given
id from the projects list and then returns its total cost (you can call a method from the
project class to get the total cost… see the project class for details)
class Department {
// id (int), address (String) and projects (array list of projects) and workers
// (array list of workers)
private int id;
private String address;
private ArrayList<Project> projects;
private ArrayList<Worker> workers;
* parameterized constructor Department (String address) which initialized id
* randomly & array lists as empty array lists.
* @param address
public Department(String address) {
this.id = (int) Math.random() * 1000;
this.address = address;
this.projects = new ArrayList<Project>();
this.workers = new ArrayList<Worker>();
* method addWorker(int id, String name, double salRate) that adds instance of
* Worker to workers list.
* @param id
* @param name
* @param salRate
public void addWorker(int id, String name, double salRate) {
this.workers.add(new Worker(id, name, salRate));
* a method addProject(int id, String description, double budget) that creates
* project & adds it to the project list.
* @param id
* @param description
* @param budget
public void addProject(int id, String description, double budget) {
this.projects.add(new Project(id, description, budget));
* Provide method addWorkerToProject(int projId, int wId) that searches for the
* project with projId from projects list and worker with wId from members lists
* & adds member to project (you will call appropriate method of the project
* class that'll add member to project.
* @param projId
* @param wId
public boolean addWorkerToProject(int projId, int wId) {
for (Project project : projects) {
if (project.getId() == projId) {
for (Worker worker : workers) {
if (worker.getId() == wId) {
return true;
return false;
* method getProjectCost(int pid) which searches for project with given id from
* projects list and then returns its total cost (you call method from the
* project class to get total cost.
* @param pid
* @return
public double getProjectCost(int pid) {
double totalCost = 0;
for (Project project : projects) {
if (project.getId() == pid) {
totalCost += project.getTotalCost();
return totalCost;
* Override the toString to get appropriate output
public String toString() {
String output = "Department ID: " + id + "\nDepartment address: " + address + "\nAll projects:\n";
for (Project project : projects) {
output += project.toString() + "\n\n";
output += "All workers:\n";
for (Worker worker : workers) {
output += worker.toString() + "\n\n";
return output;
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