Code the class RunVenues. The outline of the class is as follows:
public class RunVenues { public static void main(String[] args) {
//Add code 1 here //Add code 2 here
Create an object of the type VenueControlClass..
Call the menuControl() in the VenueControlClass class by using the object.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
class VenueControlClass
private String Course_code;
private String Course_title;
private String venue_comp_lab;
private String lecturer_name;
private String lecture_time;
// the constructor
public VenueControlClass() {
this.Course_code = "12";
this.Course_title = "BCS";
this.venue_comp_lab = "LAB";
this.lecturer_name = "BEN";
this.lecture_time = "10.00AM";
public VenueControlClass(String Course_code, String Course_title, String venue_comp_lab, String lecturer_name, String lecture_time) {
this.Course_code = Course_code;
this.Course_title = Course_title;
this.venue_comp_lab = venue_comp_lab;
this.lecturer_name = lecturer_name;
this.lecture_time = lecture_time;
public class Main{
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.print("12"+", BCS"+", LAB"+", BEN");
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