Kindly answer this urgently. plz, read the instructions carefully.
And this question was answered by another person but there was no main method, without the main method how I can run the project could you please add the main method.
The program does 2 + 2; I need the program do 3 * 2 ; and 3 / 2; and 3^2;
program code link is given below.
And use the code mention in the link to modify. Thanks
Modify this code so the program do 3 * 2; and 3 / 2; and 3^2; as well.
Clean and build the project before you run it and the main method will load.
package tally;
// Implementes a simple LL(1) Recursive Descent Parser and calculator for simple expressions
// Uses 1. lexical analysis (simple calss) using
// 2. eunmeration for tokentypes
// 3. an LL(1) recursive descent parsing algorithm
// 4. a simpel stack to convert to prefixed (cambriagde) notation
// 5. binary tree (simple node and tree classes) to build a ascii art tree
// Uses an attribute grammar to calculate the value of the given expression.
// Synthesized value attributes are returned as integer values from the methods
// that correspond to nonterminals. Inherited subtotal attributes are passed to
// the methods as arguments
// Compile:
// javac
// Execute:
// java tally [-parse] [-tree] [<filename>]
import java.util.*;
// Recursive Descent Parser and calculator for simple expressions
// Uses an attribute grammar to calculate the value of the given expression.
// Synthesized value attributes are returned as integer values from the methods
// that correspond to nonterminals. Inherited subtotal attributes are passed to
// the methods as arguments
// grammar:
// <expr> -> <term> { <add_op> <expr> }
// <term> -> <factor> { mult_op> <term> }
// <factor> -> '(' <expr> ')'
// | identifier
// | number
// <add_op> -> '+' | '-'
// <mult_op> -> '*' | '/'
// ****************************************************************************************
// ****************************************************************************************
public class tally {
private static int token; // enum: Identifer, Number, Operator
private static Lexical lex; // scanner - gets next token
private static aStack s; // used to convert to prefixed (cambriagde) notation
private static boolean print = false; // show parsing (debug) inof
private static boolean art = false; // show ascii art parsing tree (abstract)
// ************************************************
// ************************************************
public static void main(String argv[]) {
System.out.println("Testing main method");
if (argv.length > 0) {
if ( argv[0].equals("-parse") ) { // "-parse" is there show the parsing
for (int i=1; i<argv.length; ++i)
argv[i-1] = argv[i];
if ( argv[0].equals("-tree") ) { // "-tree" is there show the ascii art parsing tree
for (int i=1; i<argv.length; ++i)
argv[i-1] = argv[i];
// create the stack - for converting to postfix
s = new aStack();
// create the lexigraphical analysier
lex = new Lexical();
if(print) lex.print=true;
// advance to the first token on the input:
token = lex.getToken();
// parse expression and get calculated value:
int value = expr();
// check if expression ends with ';' and print value
if (token == (int) ';') {
System.out.println("\nValue = " + value);
String cambridge = s.printStack();
if(art) { // printout ascii art parser tree
cambridge = cambridge.replaceAll("\\]","");
cambridge = cambridge.replaceAll("\\[","");
cambridge = cambridge.replaceAll("\\)","");
cambridge = cambridge.replaceAll("\\(","");
cambridge = cambridge.replaceAll(" "," ");
cambridge = cambridge.replaceAll(" "," ");
String[] splitted = cambridge.split(" ");
pTree t = new pTree();
Node root = t.constructTree(splitted);
System.out.println("abstract parse tree: ");
t.print("", t.root, false);
System.out.println("Syntax error");
// ************************************************
// <expr> -> <term> { <add_op> <expr> }
private static int expr() {
s.indentPrint(1, "expr", print);
int subtotal = term();
while ( token == (int) '+' || token == (int) '-' ) {
int saveOp = token;
token = lex.getToken();
if( (int) saveOp == '+' ) subtotal += expr();
else if( (int) saveOp == '-' ) subtotal += expr();
else {System.out.println("error: "+ (char) saveOp +" expected '+' or '-' ");}
s.indentPrint(-1, "expr", print);
return subtotal;
// ************************************************
// <term> -> <factor> { mult_op> <term> }
private static int term() {
s.indentPrint(1, "term", print);
int subtotal = factor();
while ( token == (int) '*' || token == (int) '/' ) {
int saveOp = token;
token = lex.getToken();
if( (int) saveOp == '*' ) subtotal *= term();
else if( (int) saveOp == '/' ) subtotal = subtotal / term();
else {System.out.println("error: "+ (char) saveOp +" expected '*' or '/' ");}
s.indentPrint(-1, "term", print);
return subtotal;
// ************************************************
// <factor> -> '(' <expr> ')' | '-' <factor>
// | identifier | number
private static int factor() {
s.indentPrint(1, "factor", print);
int subtotal = 0;
if (token == (int) '(') {
token = lex.getToken();
//if(print) System.out.println("Lexeem: "+lex.type()+":"+lex.tokenStr());
subtotal = expr();
if (token == (int) ')') {
token = lex.getToken();
//if(print) System.out.println("Lexeem: "+lex.type()+":"+lex.tokenStr());
}else {
System.out.println("closing ')' expected");
} else if (lex.type() == TokenType.Identifer) {
token = lex.getToken();
//if(print) System.out.println("Lexeem: "+lex.type()+":"+lex.tokenStr());
// ignore variable names for now
// t.stack.push(lex.word());
} else if (lex.type() == TokenType.Number) {
token = lex.getToken();
//if(print) System.out.println("Lexeem: "+lex.type()+":"+ lex.tokenStr());
subtotal = (int) lex.value();
s.stack.push(" "+ (int)lex.value());
} else {
System.out.println("factor expected");
s.indentPrint(-1, "factor", print);
return subtotal;
// eunmeration for types of tokens
enum TokenType {
// Lexigraphical Analysiser
// reads input and determines what are the tokens
// and pass then to the parse
class Lexical {
private static StreamTokenizer tokenstream;
private static int token;
private static TokenType type;
private static double num;
private static String word;
public static boolean print = false;
// constructors
public Lexical() {
this(new String[] {});
// constructors
public Lexical(String argv[]) {
try {
InputStreamReader reader;
if (argv.length > 0) reader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(argv[0]));
else reader = new InputStreamReader(;
// create the tokenizer:
tokenstream = new StreamTokenizer(reader);
} catch (IOException e) {
// getToken - advance to the next token on the input
public static int getToken() {
try {
token = tokenstream.nextToken();
switch (token) {
case StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER:
type = TokenType.Number;
num = tokenstream.nval;
if(print)aStack.indentPrint(0, ("Number found: " + num), true);
case StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD:
type = TokenType.Identifer;
word = tokenstream.sval;
if(print)aStack.indentPrint(0, ("Word found: " + word), true);
case '+': case '-': case '/': case '*': case '(': case ')': case ';':
type = TokenType.Operator;
if(print)aStack.indentPrint(0, ("Operator found: " + (char)token), true);
System.out.println("Scanner found niether Identifer, Number, nor Operator");
} catch (IOException e) {
return token;
// getter
public static TokenType type(){ return type; }
public static double value(){ return num; }
public static String word(){ return word; }
// getter
public static String tokenStr(){
switch (type) {
case Number:
return ""+(int)value();
case Identifer:
return word();
case Operator:
return word();
default: return "unknown";
// binary tree for building simple binary tree
// so we can do a nice ASCII art printout
// only implemented the few needed methods
class Node {
static int count = 0;
String value;
Node left, right;
Node(String item) {
value = item;
left = right = null;
public String toString() {
return String.format("Data: "+ value + " left: "+ left +" right: " + right+ " count: "+ count);
// function to insert element in binary tree
// expression elemenmts are assumed to be in a String array in prefix order
Node insert( String prefix[]) {
Node temp = this;
if ( count >= prefix.length ) {
System.out.println("walked off array "+count);
value = prefix[count];
if ( isOperator(prefix[count-1]) ) {
left = new Node();
temp = left.insert( prefix );
right = new Node();
temp = right.insert( prefix );
return temp;
// is this element an operator ?
static boolean isOperator(String s){
if(s.contains("+")) return true;
if(s.contains("-")) return true;
if(s.contains("*")) return true;
if(s.contains("/")) return true;
if(s.contains("^")) return true;
return false;
// only implemented the few needed methods
class pTree {
Node root;
root = null;
pTree(String data){
root = new Node(data);
// Returns root of constructed tree for given postfix expression
Node constructTree(String postfix[]) {
// Traverse through every character of input expression
root = new Node(postfix[0]);
Node temp = root;
while (root.count < postfix.length){
temp = temp.insert( postfix );
return root;
public void print(String prefix, Node n, boolean isLeft) {
if (n != null) {
print(prefix + " ", n.right, false);
System.out.println (prefix + ("|-- ") + n.value);
print(prefix + " ", n.left, true);
// Java code for building cambriagde notation
// show how operation are grouped
class aStack {
static int level = 0; // indentation level
public static Stack<String> stack = new Stack <String> ();
public static String printStack(){
String str = new String(Arrays.toString(stack.toArray()));
return str;
// tokens get pushed onto the stack in <FACTOR> (later could be <Primary>)
// here we pop them off and then
// push the OPERATION and its 2 operands (in correct order)
public static void push_op(int tok){
String rside = stack.pop();
String lside = stack.pop();
String tmp = ""+(char)tok;
String line = " ( "+ tmp + lside + rside + " )"; // build
stack.push(new String(line)); // save sub on stack - it will be needed later
// printout user info but kepp track of indentation level
// 'amount' could be -1, 0 , or 1 -1 decrements indetation level
// 1 increamants indetation
// 'str' is string to print
public static void indentPrint(int amount, String str, Boolean print){
if(amount>0) level += amount;
for(int i=0; i<level; i++){
if(print) { // show parsing info in detail
System.out.print(""+level+": ");
if(amount<0) level += amount;
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