Create a class named MusicalComposition that contains fields for title, composer, and year
written. Include a constructor that requires all three values and an appropriate display function.
The child class NationalAnthem contains an additional field that holds the name of the
anthem’s nation. The child class constructor requires a value for this additional field. The child
class also contains a display function. Write a main() function in class MusicDemo that
instantiates objects of each class and demonstrates that the functions work correctly.
import java.util.Scanner;
class MusicalComposition {
// title, composer, and yearwritten.
private String title;
private String composer;
private int yearWritten;
* Constructor
* @param title
* @param composer
* @param yearWritten
public MusicalComposition (String title,String composer,int yearWritten) {
public void display() {
System.out.println("Title: "+title);
System.out.println("Composer: "+composer);
System.out.println("Year written: "+yearWritten);
* @return the title
public String getTitle() {
return title;
* @param title the title to set
public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
* @return the composer
public String getComposer() {
return composer;
* @param composer the composer to set
public void setComposer(String composer) {
this.composer = composer;
* @return the yearWritten
public int getYearWritten() {
return yearWritten;
* @param yearWritten the yearWritten to set
public void setYearWritten(int yearWritten) {
this.yearWritten = yearWritten;
class NationalAnthem extends MusicalComposition{
private String nameAnthemNation;
* Constructor
* @param title
* @param composer
* @param yearWritten
* @param nameAnthemNation
public NationalAnthem (String title,String composer,int yearWritten,String nameAnthemNation) {
super(title, composer, yearWritten);
public void display() {
System.out.println("The name of anthem nation: "+nameAnthemNation);
* @return the nameAnthemNation
public String getNameAnthemNation() {
return nameAnthemNation;
* @param nameAnthemNation the nameAnthemNation to set
public void setNameAnthemNation(String nameAnthemNation) {
this.nameAnthemNation = nameAnthemNation;
public class MusicDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
MusicalComposition musicalComposition=new MusicalComposition("Symphony in C Minor","Ludwig Van Beethoven",5);
NationalAnthem nationalAnthem =new NationalAnthem("Symphony A","Mary",15,"National Anthem");
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