Sam runs a local musical equipment store in your neighbourhood. He has contracted you to create an interactive application that will assist him with customer purchases. Create a class named Customer Purchases that will contain get and set methods for a customer number, first name, surname, product, price and quantity. Create a separate class called Printing that will include a method called Print Details, that will print the Customer Invoice. In the Printing class include another method called Customer Purchase Report which will display the following information: REPORT OPTION PERCENTAGE TAX 15% COMMISSION 8.5% DISCOUNT 10% TOTAL (Price + Tax) – (Discount + Commission)
public class CustomerPurchases {
private static int customerNumber;
private int quantity;
private String firstName, surname, product;
private double price;
public CustomerPurchases(String fn, String sn, String pr, double p, int q) {
firstName = fn;
surname = sn;
product = pr;
price = p;
quantity = q;
public int getCustomerNumber() {
return customerNumber;
public void setCustomerNumber(int customerNumber) {
this.customerNumber = customerNumber;
public int getQuantity() {
return quantity;
public void setQuantity(int quantity) {
this.quantity = quantity;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
public String getSurname() {
return surname;
public void setSurname(String surname) {
this.surname = surname;
public String getProduct() {
return product;
public void setProduct(String product) {
this.product = product;
public double getPrice() {
return price;
public void setPrice(double price) {
this.price = price;
static class Printing {
public static void printlnDetails(CustomerPurchases cp) {
System.out.println("Customer invoice of " + cp.getFirstName() + " " + cp.getSurname() + " is : $ "
+ cp.getPrice() * cp.getQuantity());
public static void customerPurchaseReport(CustomerPurchases cp) {
double price = cp.getPrice();
System.out.println("REPORT OPTION");
System.out.format("%s %.2f \n", "PERCENTAGE TAX 15% : $", price * 0.15);
System.out.format("%s %.2f \n", "COMMISSION 8.5% : $", price * 0.085);
System.out.format("%s %.2f \n", "DISCOUNT 10% : $", price * 0.1);
System.out.format("%s %.2f \n", "TOTAL (Price + Tax) – (Discount + Commission) = $",
(1 + 0.15 - 0.1 - 0.085) * price);
public static void main(String args[]) {
CustomerPurchases guitar = new CustomerPurchases("Dan", "Stevens", "Fender Stratocaster guitar", 250, 1),
drum = new CustomerPurchases("Thomas", "Richardson", "Hoshino Gakki drum", 120, 3),
micro = new CustomerPurchases("Leila", "Ambers", "Fujimi Boya BY-WHM8 microphone", 53, 2);
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