Search Item in a Mart
Given an array
mart of objects in the prefilled code and categoryOfItem, item as inputs, create a JS promise, resolve with "Item Found" text, if the
categoryOfItem matches with the category and the corresponding items list includes the itemreject with "Category Not Found" text, if the
categoryOfItem does not match with any catergory in the martreject with "Item Not Found" text, if the
items list does not include item Use async/await and try/catch blocks.
Quick Tip
You can use array methods find() and includes().
The first line of input contains a string categoryOfItem
The second line of input contains a number item
The output should be a single line string with the appropriate message
Sample Input 1
green gram
Sample Output 1
Item Found
Sample Input 2
Sample Output 2
Category Not Found
let mart = [];
let categoryOfItem;
let numberItem;
async promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) =>}
if (mart.includes(categoryOfItem)){
numberItem = mart.find(categoryOfItem;
resolve("Item Found";
} else{
throw new Error(;
} catch ( error ){
reject("Item Not Found";
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