Use a formula (not a function) to calculate the Final ICA of Students. [2]
Use a function to test if there is a student who scored a 100 on one of the internal assessments. [2]
Use the “IF” function to assign students a Status based on the following; Proceed (if final ICA is 50 or more), Supplement (if final ICA is between 30 and 49) or Retake (if final ICA is 29 or less). [6]
Count the number of students who are proceeding using “count-if” function [4]
Count all none empty cells from cell A2 to cell F7 using a function. [2]
Use v-lookup function to return Int2 Marks of Dkay Reed. [2]
Use H-lookup function to return the name of a Student who got 45 on Int3 assessment. [2]
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