Create a excel sheet and name it as Student_Attendance sheet with the following columns
a.      S.No , RegId, Name, Gender, Lectures Attended, Lectures Delivered, Attendance percentage.
(Note : Attendance percentage = LecturesAttended/LecturesDelivered * 100)
a.      Highlight Column Headings with background color and a different text color. Also Use text Rotation.
2.      Add data validation on
a.      Lectures Delivered Column to make sure that lectures delivered should be exactly equal to 45 for every student.
b.     Lectures Attended Column to make sure that lectures Attended should be less than or equal to 45
c.      Gender column to make sure user should be able to enter only two values i.e. Male or Female.
Note: For every validation, generate an error message in case of incorrect input.(10)
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