The three major types of integrity constraints are domain constraints, entity integrity, and referential integrity. Using examples, explain these integrity constraints and their usefulness in databases.
Explain the significant differences between homonyms and synonyms and with examples, explain why they should be avoided in database design?
Although Null values are problematic in databases, it cannot be avoided in some cases. Describe how you could use null values in a database.
Business rules are precisely written and unambiguous statements that are derived from a detailed description of an organization's operations. In your own words, critically assess the importance of the use of business rules in data modelling.
Proper database design requires the designer to precisely identify the database’s expected use. Discuss some critical considerations when designing a database.
With clear examples, compare unstructured and structured and identify which type of data is more prevalent in a typical business environment?
Although the database system yields considerable advantages over previous data management approaches, database systems do carry significant disadvantages. These remarks were made by Chidi, one of your course mates in CS311. Discuss in your own words why you agree with Chidi.
Database Management Systems (DBMS) is perceived by database architects like you to guarantee the integrity and consistency of the data in the database. Discuss any four (4) functions of the DBMS that ensures the above perception.
need to create a table to store product's ID. What is the correct order for the SQL syntax?
Create table