An automobile insurance company needs to keep track of information about vehicle policyholders. The company has to store information of customer, car, and accident. Customer information is License no, name and address. Customers can own one or more cars, where the car information is Plate_no, model and year. A car not involved or involved in many accidents. If the car is involved in an accident the information that will be stored is Report_number, location, and date. Each car that is involved in accident the damage amount will be estimate.
Draw the ERD.
For each pair of sentences, identify entities and the relationship representing the sentences.
“Each Student must take one or more Modules”
“Each Module must be taken by one or more Students”
“Each Customer must receive at least one Delivery”
“Each Delivery must be for only one Customer”
“A Client my have an Account Manager”
“Each Account Manager has only one Client”
Develop an EER model for the following situation:
A person may be employed by one or more organizations and each
organization may be the employer of one or more persons. An
organization can be internal organizational unit or an external
organization. For persons and organizations, we want to know their
ID, name, address and phone number. For persons we want to
know their birthdate, and for organizations, we want to know their
budget number. For each employment, we want to know the
employment date, termination date and bonus.
Employment of a person by an organization may result in the
person holding many positions over time. For each position, we
know its title, and each time someone holds that position, we need
to know the start date and termination date and salary. An
organization is responsible for each position. It is possible for a
person to be employed by one organization and hold a position for
which another organization is responsible.
All relations are in 1st Normal form. Explain.
17, 22, 26, 29,x,42,67,70,y
2. The exam grades of 7 students are given below. 70, 66, 72, 96, 46, 90, 50
a. The three major types of integrity constraints are domain constraints, entity integrity, and referential integrity. Using examples, explain these integrity constraints and their usefulness in databases.
b. A subtype/supertype relationships are especially important in Enhanced Entity Relationship Modeling. Explain using an example how you would covert subtype/supertype relationships to relations in database design.
A subtype/supertype relationships are especially important in Enhanced Entity Relationship Modeling. Explain using an example how you would covert subtype/supertype relationships to relations in database design.