For the follow tables:
create table customer(
cid integer, --- customer ID
cname varchar(50), --- customer name
primary key (cid));
create table product(
pid integer, --- product ID
pname varchar(50), ---- Product name
price number, --- price of product
primary key (pid));
create table orders(
oid integer, --- order ID
cid integer,--- customer ID
primary key (oid),
foreign key (cid) references customer(cid));
create table order_line(
oid integer, --- order ID
pid integer, --- product ID
quantity integer, --- quantity of product in the order
primary key (oid, pid),
foreign key (oid) references orders(oid),
foreign key (pid) references product(pid));
Write a PL/SQL procedure to print out the names of customers who have bought a certain product. The product name is the input parameter
Expert's answer
Question 1.
Create or Replace ProcedureCustomer_List(Product_name varchar) Is v_customer_name varchar(50); Cursor c_Customer Is Select Distinct c.CNAME From order_line ol Left Join product p On ol.PID = p.PID Left Join orders o On ol.OID = o.OID Left Join customer c On o.CID = c.CID Where p.PNAME = Product_name; Begin open c_Customer; LOOP Fetch c_Customer Into v_customer_name; Exit When c_Customer%NOTFOUND;
dbms_output.put_line(v_customer_name); End LOOP; Close c_Customer; End;
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