Perform the following tasks to create the database required for the application:
Create a database for the application.
Create the required schemas in the database.
Create the required tables under each of the schemas.
Populate the tables with sample data.
Dear customer, Unfortunately, your question requires a lot of work and
cannot be done for free. Please submit it with all requirements as an
assignment to our control panel and we'll assist you.
Pankaj debnath
08.12.15, 08:48
Analyze the requirements of the preceding application and perform the
following tasks: [20 Marks] 1. Identify the various tags and their
corresponding attributes that need to be used to design the home page.
[5 Marks] 2. Create the home page of the website. [15 Marks] Note: You
need to upload the solution to the preceding question as a word
document in the zip format.
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Dear customer, Unfortunately, your question requires a lot of work and cannot be done for free. Please submit it with all requirements as an assignment to our control panel and we'll assist you.
Analyze the requirements of the preceding application and perform the following tasks: [20 Marks] 1. Identify the various tags and their corresponding attributes that need to be used to design the home page. [5 Marks] 2. Create the home page of the website. [15 Marks] Note: You need to upload the solution to the preceding question as a word document in the zip format.
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