Given that "F_1 = \\Pi\\Mu(0,4,5,6)" and "F_2 = \\Pi\\Mu(0,4,7)" .
Let there be three literals A, B and C, truth table for the functions F1 , F2 and F1 F2 , is created below
From truth table we can write the Maxterm expression for F1 F2
"F_1F_2 = \\Pi \\Mu(0,4,5,6,7)"
A General rule therefore can be formulated for F1 F2 as,
The Maxterm expression of product F1 F2 contains the Maxterms present in either F1 or F2 .
It can be proved using general maxterm expansion.
"F_1F_2 = \\displaystyle\\prod_{i,j=0}^7 (a_i+b_j + M_i + M_j)"
the index for P.O.S is varying from 0 to 7, which is same for both indices i and j, and Mi = Mj , therefore it can be written as
"F_1F_2 = \\displaystyle\\prod_{i=0}^7 (a_i+b_i + M_i)"
Which shows that the product of F1F2 will have terms of both F1 and F2 , with common terms written once.
The Maxterm expression of product F1F2 contains the Maxterms present in either F1 or F2. It can be proved using general maxterm expansion.
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