0 It's a polynomial function with continuous partial derivatives of any order.
1 What are the critical points?
2 Can we solve the system?
"x^4-42x^2+64x+105=0 \\coloneqq P(x)"
Good, all roots (pairs of) are real (and symmetric).
3 What does the second derivative test say?
"D(-7, -7)>0,~~F^{''}_{xx} < 0 \\implies \\textnormal{local maximum}"
"D(-1, 5)<0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\implies \\textnormal{saddle point}"
"D(3, 3)>0,~~~~~~~~F^{''}_{xx}>0 \\implies \\textnormal{local minimum}"
"D(5, -1)<0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\implies \\textnormal{saddle point}"
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