Write a program that reads a line of text, changes each uppercase letter to lowercase, and places each letter both in a queue and onto a stack. The program should then verify whether the line of text is a palindrome (a set of letters or numbers that is the same whether read forward or backward).
Dear aul, please use panel for submitting new questions
15.10.15, 16:35
Identify and fully explain two types of intruder detection techniques
(10) 2.2 With the aid of a fully labeled diagram, explain the use of
Public-Key Encryption between two communication devices/users. (15)
2.3 Remote access protocols manage the connection between a remote
computer and a remote access server. List and explain any four
protocols used to connect a remote computer and a remote access server
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Dear aul, please use panel for submitting new questions
Identify and fully explain two types of intruder detection techniques (10) 2.2 With the aid of a fully labeled diagram, explain the use of Public-Key Encryption between two communication devices/users. (15) 2.3 Remote access protocols manage the connection between a remote computer and a remote access server. List and explain any four protocols used to connect a remote computer and a remote access server
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