Design a deterministic finite automaton (DFA) to recognize two tokens WHEN and WHILE assuming no lookup table for keywords.
Now redo using nondeterministic automaton (make sure it has some nondeterministic transitions)
Design a DFA for a vending machine accepting nickels, dimes and quarters. The machine accepts money until the user puts at least 30 cents to get a small cookie (and change). But if the user enters at least 45 cents he gets a big cookie (and change). No other buttons are there.
Design a DFA to recognize identifiers which are valid only if some letters (at least 1) are followed by exactly the same number of digits. Or explain why it cannot be done and in that case redo assuming total length cannot be more than 5 characters.
Design a DFA to recognize identifiers as floats or integers. IDs are made up of letters and digits in any order. If there are more letters it is integer otherwise it is float.
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