Write a C++ program that produces a bar chart showing the yearly income
of a small company starting 1990. The program reads the income figures (rounded to
the nearest $1,000) from a file called “income.txt”. For each year it should display the
date and a bar consisting of one star („*‟) for each $1,000.
Here is an example of how the chart might begin:
1990 **
1991 ****
1992 ***
1993 *****
Your program must have 2 functions: one function to get the length of the bar for a
given year and the other function draws one line of the chart.
bool exists(string fileName) { bool ok = false; ifstreamfile(fileName); if (file.good()) { ok= true; file.close(); } return ok; }
int maxDigit(unsigned long int d) { int m = 0; while (d > 0) { if (d % 10 > m) { m= d % 10; } d/= 10; } return m; }
int countDigit(unsigned long int d) { int c = 0; do { c++; d/= 10; }while (d > 0); return c; }
void buildHistogram(unsigned long int id, int digits[]) { int maxd = maxDigit(id); int len = countDigit(id); for (int i = 1; i <= len; i++) { digits[len- i] = id % 10; id/= 10; } }
void writeHistogram(ostream& os, unsigned long int id, int digits[]) { int rows = maxDigit(id); int len = countDigit(id);
os<< id << endl; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) { if (digits[j] > i) { os<< '*'; } else { os<< ' '; } } os<< endl; } }
int main() { stringfileName; stringchoice; ifstreaminputFile; ofstreamoutputFile; unsigned long int id; int digits[20];
/* Section 1 */ cout<< "Pleaseenter the name of the file you wish to open : "; cin>> fileName; inputFile.open(fileName); if (inputFile.fail()) { cout<< "Cannot open input file with such name." << endl; return 1; } cout<< "Thefile is successfully opened." << endl;
/* Section 2 */ do { cout<< "Pleaseenter the name of the file you wish to write : "; cin>> fileName; if (exists(fileName)) { cout<< "Afile "<< fileName << "exists." << endl; cout<< "Doyou want to continue and overwrite it? (y/n) : "; cin>> choice; if (choice == "y") { outputFile.open(fileName); } } else { outputFile.open(fileName); if (!outputFile.good()) { cout<< "Cannot open/create output file with such name." << endl; return 1; } } }while (!outputFile.good()); cout<< "Thefile is successfully opened." << endl << endl;
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