Write a C++ program that stores the records of 10 employees. The program must display a
menu to enter the employee details and perform the functions given below. The menu must
contain an exit option.
The employees have an hourly rate to calculate the salary based on the amount of hours
worked. The program must store the employee Name, ID, Gender, Age, Hourly rate, Hours.
The employee ID is auto generated an must not be asked from the user
1. Write a function called employeeGender to display the employee name and ID of
all female and male employees based on user input.
2. Write a function called displayAgeRange that accepts an age range and displays
the name and age of the employee that fits the range passed into the function.
3. Write a function called calcSalary that calculates the employee salary based on
the given formula. The function must accept the rate and hours needed to calculate
the salary.
4. Write a function called employeeDetails that displays the full employee details
based on a given emplo
Dear Mohamed, please find fixed answer above. We are glad to be
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answer field. Thank you!
01.05.15, 20:19
That's a big help. Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it. But in this
part it gives a compile error: cout
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Can you make this code without using class.?
Dear Mohamed, please find fixed answer above. We are glad to be helpful. If you liked our service please press like-button beside answer field. Thank you!
That's a big help. Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it. But in this part it gives a compile error: cout
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