Create a class named RealtorCommission. Fields include the sale price of a house, the
sales commission rate, and the commission. Create two constructors. Each constructor
requires the sales price (expressed as a double) and the commission rate. One construc-
tor requires the commission rate to be a double, such as .06. The other requires the sale
price and the commission rate expressed as a whole number, such as 6. Each constructor
calculates the commission value based on the price of the house multiplied by the com-
mission rate. The difference is that the constructor that accepts the whole number must
convert it to a percentage by dividing by 100. Also include a display function for the fields
contained in the RealtorCommission class. Write a main()function that instantiates at
least two RealtorCommission objects—one that uses a decimal and one that uses a
whole number as the commission rate. Display the RealtorCommission object values.
Save the file as RealtorCommission.cpp.
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