Write a program that can enter marks for number of students and calculate their Total and class
average with the following format
The inputs:
ID (As 1 dimension array of Integers), First (As1 dimension array of Doubles), Second (As 1 dimension
array of Doubles), Final (As 1 dimension array of Doubles), Total (As 1 dimension array of Doubles), Grad
(As 1 dimension array of Chars)
The Grades are: A for 90’s, B for 80’s, C for 70’s, D for 60’s and F for less than 60.
Use the following functions to find
1. void inputID(int[]);
2. void inputMarks(double[]);
3. double ClassAverage(double []);
4. void Grade(double[],char []);
5. void Total(double[],double [],double [],double[]);
6. void print(int[] , double[], double[] , double[],double[], char[]);
The output:
St_Nm ID First Second Final Total Grade
1 20071156 15.5 16.5 30.1 62.1 D
2 20071154 15.0 16.5 30.1 62.6 D
Class average for 10 students is: 72.5
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