define a class TravelPlan in c++ with the following description :
private member:
plancode of type long
place of typr character array (string)
number_of_travellers of type integer
number_of_buses of type integer
public member:
a constructor to assign initial values of plancode as 1001,place as "agra" , number_of_travellers as 5,number_of_buses as1
a function Newplan() which allows user to enter plancode,place and numer_of_travellers.also,assign the values of number_of_buses as per the following condition :
number_of_travellers number_of_buses
less than 20 1
equal to or more 2
than 20 and less
than 40
equal to 40 or 3
more than 40
all functions Showplan() to display the content of all the data members on screen
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