Create an application that will allow a project manager to list tasks and team members on a project, allocate tasks and schedule team meetings.
On start up, the application should prompt the project manager for a project name and the number of persons on the team. Each project must be given a unique number. The application should allow the manager to input the first name, last name, email address and mobile contact number for each team member including his/herself. The project number and name are stored/appended to the file List of Projects.txt. The team members’ data should be stored in a file named <project>Team.txt.
The application should then provide options to schedule a meeting and/or to input and allocate tasks.
Task Allocation
Project manager should be able to enter a task, a deadline date for the task and the team member to whom the task is delegated. Each task should be given a unique number.
All data should be stored in a file named <project>Tasks.txt.
Scheduling a Meeting
To schedule a meeting
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