Write a program that reads a list of integers from the keyboard and creates the following information:
a. Finds and prints the sum and the average of the integers.
b. Finds and prints the smallest and largest of the integers.
c. Print a Boolean (true or false) if some of them are less than 20.
d. Print a Boolean (true or false) if all of them are between 10 and 20.
The input data consist of a list of integers with sentinel. The program must prompt the user to enter the integers, one by one, and enter the sentinel when the end of the list has been reached. The prompt should look like the following:
Enter number with <return> (99999 to stop):
The output should be formatted as shown below :
The number of integers is: XXX
The sum of the integers is: xxxx
The average of the integers is: xxx.xx
The smallest integer is: xxx
The largest integer is: xxx
At least one number was < 10: <true or false>
All numbers were (10 <= n >= 90): <true or false>
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