#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "StockHolding.h"
using namespace std;
class CStockAccount
//default constructor to initialize the ID to “NoID” and the cash balance to 10,000
//parameterized constructor to initialize the ID and the cash balance to specific values
CStockAccount(string, double);
//destructor. Should be empty.
//data member for the ID
string m_ID;
//data member for the cash balance
double m_CashBalance;
//data member for 10 stock holdings
CStockHolding m_Holdings[10];
//private function to find the index of the stock symbol in the array m_Holdings.
//Return -1 if not found.
int searchSymbol(string);
//private memb
Expert's answer
There are at least 3 ways to do it. 1. Declare array of objects: CStockAccount stock_accounts[10]; toaccess you can do such things like: stock_accounts.addStock(); and so on
2. Declare pointer to array (but dont forget to deleteit) CStockAccount* p_stock_accounts = new CStockAccount[10] ; //dosomething delete[] p_stock_account; 3. Declare vector (or list) from STL #include<vector> usingnamespace std;
vector<CStockAccount> stock_account (10);
You also can addand delete elements from vector. And memory will be freed automatically.
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