A company wants to transmit data over the telephone, but they are concerned that their phones are tapped. All of their data are transmitted as four-digit integers. They wanted you to write a program that encrypts their data so that it can be transmitted securely. Your program should read a four-digit integer and encrypts it as follows : Add 7 to each digit and modulus 10. Then swap the first with the third and the second with the fourth. Lastly, display the data before and after encryption.
Expert's answer
#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int encrypt(int a) { if(a<0) a=0-a; int dig1,dig2,dig3,dig4; dig4=((a%10)+7)%10; a/=10; dig3=((a%10)+7)%10; a/=10; dig2=((a%10)+7)%10; a/=10; dig1=((a%10)+7)%10; a=dig3*1000+dig4*100+dig1*10+dig2; return a; }
int main() { int n; cin>>n; cout<<"Before encryption: "<<n<<endl; int m=encrypt(n); if(n<0) m=0-m; cout<<"After encryption: "<<m<<endl; system("pause"); return 0; }
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