A certain Hospital has decided to stop using their manual record storage system in
favour of an automated one.They require a simple C++ programme to assist them in
recording the details of all their doctors and patients.
You have been chosen to develop this programme, and you must ensure that your code
adheres to the standard C++ programming concepts such as object oriented principles,
data encapsulation, the use of header files to separate function declaration from function
definition, decision and control structures, and input and output.
Your programme should do the following:
• Allow a user to select whether to enter doctor or patient details;
• Allow the user to type in a doctor’s first name, last name, age, sex, employment
type (whether full-time or part-time), and address;
• Request a full-time doctor to type in his or her gross salary and get the calculated
net salary (net salary = gross salary – taxes – NSSF contribution, taxes = 30% of
gross salary, NSSF contribution = 5%
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