Design a C++ application using Linked List to store car information for a Used Car Dealer. Your application must be able to do the following
1. Add new car information to the store. The car information must contains the following
•Model (e,g. Camry, Accord, Focus)
•Manufacturer (e.g. Toyota, Honda, Volkswagen)
•Year(e.g 1997, 2000)
•Registration No / Car Plate No (e.g. ABC231)
•Selling Price (e.g. 20000, 15000)
2. Delete car information from the store
Expert's answer
//Design a C++ application using Linked List to store car information for a Used Car Dealer. //Your application must be able to do the following // //1. Add new car information to the store. The car information must contains //the following •Model (e,g. Camry, Accord, Focus) •Manufacturer //(e.g. Toyota, Honda, Volkswagen) •Year(e.g 1997, 2000) •Registration No / // Car Plate No (e.g. ABC231) •Selling Price (e.g. 20000, 15000) // //2. Delete car information from the store
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <list> using namespace std;
class car{ public: string model; string manufacturer; int year; int no; string carNo; double price; public: car(){} //car(car &c){ *this& = c;}
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