Design a flowchart and pseucode for question
A bank in your town updates its customers’ accounts at the end of each month. The bank offers two types of accounts: savings and checking. Every customer must maintain a minimum balance. If a customer’s balance falls below the minimum balance, there is a service charge of $10.00 for savings accounts and $25.00 for checking accounts. If the balance at the end of the month is at least the minimum balance, the account receives interest as follows: * Savings accounts receive 4% interest. * Checking accounts with balances of up to $5,000 more than the minimum balance receive 3% interest; otherwise, the interest is 5%. Write a program that reads a customer’s account number (int type), account type (char) s for savings, c for checking, minimum balance that the account should maintain, and current balance.
Declare Integer accountNumber
Declare String type
Declare Real mimimum
Declare Real balance
Declare Real rate
Set rate = 0
Display "Enter account number: "
Input accountNumber
Display "Enter account type(s-savings or c-checking):"
Input type
Display "Enter minimum balance: "
Input mimimum
Display "Enter current balance: "
Input balance
If type == "c" OR type == "C" Then
Set rate = 0.03
If balance > mimimum + 5000 Then
Set rate = 0.05
If balance < mimimum Then
Set balance = balance - 25
End If
End If
If type == "s" OR type == "S" Then
Set rate = 0.04
If balance < mimimum Then
Set balance = balance - 10
End If
End If
End If
Set balance = balance + rate * balance
Display "After interest and fees your balance is =", balance
Display "Your account number: ", accountNumber
Display "Your account type: ", type
Display "Your new balance: $", balance
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