Number of registrants Fee per person
1 through 4 R100.00
5 through 10 R 80.00
11 or more R 60.00
Complete the program below.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main()
// Question 4.1 (2)
// Declare a variable to hold the number of registrants and a
// variable to hold the amount a company owes for a seminar
using namespace std;
int main()
int reg;
double sumForSem=0;
cout << "Please, enter a number of registrants: ";
cin >> reg;
if (reg >= 1 && reg <= 4)
sumForSem = 100 * reg;
else if (reg >= 5 && reg <= 10)
sumForSem = 80 * reg;
else if (reg >= 11)
sumForSem = 60 * reg;
cout << "A company owes for a seminar R " << sumForSem;
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