The DSA City tax office solve the tax related problems of their citizens A large number of peopl visit this office on the daily basis. However, beating capacity of the waiting room for the visitors 30 persons Wher the waiting mom gets full no other vialtor is allowed to enter the tax office unti someone leaves The tax office want to automate the process of dealing with customers by issung them tokens for their turn. They have decided to issue the token numbers and process theme increasing fashion that is, a person having the token of lowest value is called first forming the tax office representative.
Your job is to help tax office to implement this APT in C++ A Propose appropriate data structure Write complete class having all required functions, main() function is not required. Add comeent to explain program
// Data Members
int roll;
int age;
int marks;
// Member Functions
void printDetails()
cout<<"Roll = "<<roll<<"\n";
cout<<"Age = "<<age<<"\n";
cout<<"Marks = "<<marks;
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