Modify the program above so that it displays the message<<<no credits beyond 100>>> if the credit entered is beyond 100
void main ()
float m1,m2,m3;
float per,avg;
float total;
printf(" enter the marks of m1 ");
scanf("%f", &m1);
printf(" enter the marks of m2 ");
scanf("%f", &m2);
printf("enter the marks of m3 ");
scanf("%f", &m3);
total= m1+m2+m3;
printf("\n the total mark is %.2f ",total);
per = (total/300)*100;
avg = (total/3);
printf("\n the percentage mark is : %.2f ", per);
printf("\n the average mark is: %.2f", avg);
///// Grade calculation //
if(per>=100) printf("no credits above 100");
else if(per>=80) printf("\n Grade : A")
else if(per>=60) printf("\n Grade : B");
else if(per>=40) printf("\n Grade : C");
else if(per<40) printf("\n Fail ");
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