Pls help me with thissss..
Create a C++ program based on the requirements below:
After get a grade from the user, the program will determine what will be the corresponding grade equivalent.
Conversion Table
101 and higher - Out of Range
90 to 100 - Excellent
80 to 89 - Very Good
75 to 79 - Good
74 and below - Failed
Sample Output:
Enter Grade: 79
The equivalent of 79 is Good!
string grade(int n) {
if (n > 100) return "Out of Range";
else if (n >= 90 && n <= 100) return "Excellent";
else if (n >= 80 && n <= 89) return "Very Good";
else if (n >= 75 && n <= 79) return "Good";
else return "Failed";
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