A company Digicom Parts manufactures 2 types of unique products for laptop and desktop computers. It manufactures 10 types of laptop products and 42 types of desktop products. Each product manufactured by the company has a unique productID from a-z and A-Z. The laptop product have productID (a, i, e, o, u, ALE, O, U) while the rest of the productIDs are assigned to the desktop products. The company manager wishes to find the sales data for the desktop products. Given a list of productIDs of the sales of the last N products, write an algorithm to help the manager find the productIDs of the desktop products.
1 Set i equal 1
2 If i grater than N go to step 14
3 Get next product data
4 If productID is lowercase
5 Convert productID to uppercase
6 If productID is A go to step 12
7 If productID is I go to step 12
8 If productID is E go to step 12
9 If productID is O go to step 12
10 If productID is U go to step 12
11 Process data as desktop products
12 Increment i by 1
13 Go to step 2
14 Exit
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