Write a program that creates a class called Pizza. The data members of the class are size (inches), topping, price (PKR)
and thickness (cm). Through the use of a constructor, initialize the class object and assign default values to data
members. Determine whatis public and private in the class. Add setter and getter method for each attribute. Write a
global function “Display” (should not be member of class) that is able to print all information of a single Pizza object
on screen. In main() function, make an array of 5 Pizza objects with different values and print information of all
objects on screen thru Display function.
using namespace std;
class Pizza
float size;
double price;
string topping;
float thick;
//Default constructor
Pizza() :size(0), price(0), topping(""), thick(0) {}
//Initial constructor
Pizza(float _size, double _price, string _topping, float _thick)
:size(_size), price(_price), topping(_topping), thick(_thick) {}
void SetSize(int _size) { size = _size; }
void SetPrice(int _price) { price = _price; }
void SetTopping(int _topping) { topping = _topping; }
void SetThick(int _thick) { thick = _thick; }
float GetSize() { return size; }
double GetPrice() { return price; }
string GetTopping() { return topping; }
float GetThick() { return thick; }
void Display(Pizza* pz)
cout << "\nPizza with " << pz->GetTopping();
cout << "\nThickness is\t" << pz->GetThick()<<" cm";
cout << "\nSize is\t\t" << pz->GetSize()<<" inches";
cout << "\nPrice is\t" << pz->GetPrice()<<" PKR";
cout << endl;
int main()
Pizza a(8, 10, "sausage", 0.7);
Pizza b(10, 15, "chicken and olives", 0.8);
Pizza c(10, 17, "cheese", 1.2);
Pizza d(7, 8, "mushrooms", 0.6);
Pizza e(12, 25, "red fish", 1.3);
Pizza pz[5] = { a,b,c,d,e };
for (Pizza* i = &pz[0]; i!= &pz[5]; i++)
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