1.     Write C++ statements that prompt the user to enter a person’s last name and then store the last name into the variable name.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
int const SECRET = 11;
double const RATE = 12.50;
int num1, num2, newNum;
string name;
double hoursWorked, wages;
cout << "Please input 2 numbers: ";
cin >> num1 >> num2;
cout << "The value of num1 = " << num1 << " and the value of num2 = " << num2 << endl;
newNum = num1 * 2 + num2;
cout << "newNum = " << newNum << endl;
newNum += SECRET;
cout << "newNum now = " << newNum << endl;
cout << "Please enter your surname: ";
cin >> name;
cout << "Please enter the number of hours worked (0 - 70): ";
cin >> hoursWorked;
wages = hoursWorked * RATE;
cout << "Name: " << name << endl;
cout << "Pay Rate: $" << RATE << endl;
cout << "Hours Worked: " << hoursWorked << endl;
cout << "Salary: $" << wages << endl;
return 0;
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