1. Write C++ statements that produce the following output:
Name: //output the value of the variable name
Pay Rate: $ //output the value of the variable rate
Hours Worked: //output the value of the variable
Salary: $ //output the value of the variable wages
For example, if the value of name is "Rainbow" and hoursWorked is
45.50, then the output is:
Name: Rainbow
Pay Rate: $12.50
Hours Worked: 45.50
Salary: $568.75
using namespace std;
int main()
string name;
double rate, hoursWorked, wages;
cout<<"Please, enter the name of the worker: ";
cout<<"Please, enter pay rate for the worker: ";
cout<<"Please, enter hours worked by worker: ";
cout<<"\nName: "<<name
<<"\nPay Rate: $"<<rate
<<"\nHours Worked: "<<hoursWorked
<<"\nSalary: $"<<wages;
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