Write an interactive menu driven c++ program to implement queue using array. 1.Insert an element in queue 2.Delete an element from queue. 3.Show the contents of the queue. 4.Exit
Expert's answer
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void main() { char choice; int tmp;
int queue[100]; int queueLength = 0;
cout << endl; cout << " 1. Insert an element in queue" << endl; cout << " 2. Delete an element from queue" << endl; cout << " 3. Show the contents of the queue" << endl; cout << " 4. Exit" << endl << endl;
while (true) { cout << "Choose the menu item: "; cin >> choice;
switch (choice) { case '1': cout << "Enter and integer value: "; cin >> tmp;
case '2': if (queueLength > 0) { queueLength--; cout << "The following element has been dequeued: " << queue[0] << endl << endl;
/* Shift array values left by one position * to dequeue the first element of the queue */ for (int c = 0; c < queueLength; c++) queue[c] = queue[c + 1]; } else cout << "The queue is empty." << endl << endl; break;
case '3': if (queueLength == 0) { cout << "The queue is empty." << endl << endl; break; }
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