Write an interactive menu driven c++ program to implement stack using class. 1.Push an element in stack 2.Pop an element in stack. 3.Show the contents of the stack. 4.Exit
Expert's answer
#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <stack> using namespace std;
void show_menu() { cout<<"Menu:"<<endl; cout<<"1.Push an element in the stack"<<endl; cout<<"2.Pop an element from the stack."<<endl; cout<<"3.Show the content of the stack."<<endl; cout<<"4.Exit"<<endl; }
void push_option(stack<int> &container) { cout<<"Enter, please, an element (integer number): "; int element; cin>>element; container.push(element); } void pop_option(stack<int> &container) { if(!container.empty()) { cout<<"Removed element: "<<container.top()<<endl; container.pop(); } else { cout<<"There are no elements in the stack!"<<endl; } } void show_stack_option(stack<int> &container) { if(!container.empty()) { stack <int> temp_container(container); cout<<"Content of the stack: "<<endl; while (!temp_container.empty()) { cout<<temp_container.top()<<endl; temp_container.pop(); } } else { cout<<"The stack is empty!"<<endl; } }
int main() { stack<int> container; int chosen_option; show_menu(); bool exit = false; while(!exit) { cin>>chosen_option; system("CLS"); switch (chosen_option) { case 1: push_option(container); system("pause"); break; case 2: pop_option(container); system("pause"); break; case 3: show_stack_option(container); system("pause"); break; case 4: exit = true; break; default: break; }
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