Create two classes IntArray to store the set of integer numbers and FloatArray to store decimal
numbers. Add a member function read() for both classes for reading inputs. Create two objects ‘x’
for IntArray and ‘y’ for FloatArray. Read the inputs for x and y. Using a friend function maxmin(x,y),
display the maximum and minimum among the set of integers and decimal numbers.
#include <iostream>//Input Output Stream use cin and cout function
using namespace std;
class FloatArray;//Prototype
//We implement class IntArray which store integer number
class IntArray
int size;//Size array
int* date;//set integer numbers
//Constructor parametriz
IntArray(int _size=1)
this->size = _size;//Set the size array
this->date = new int[this->size];//Alloc memory for (size) numbers
//Get size
int getSize()const
return this->size;
//Read Date
void read()
cout << "Please enter the numbers:\n";
for (int i = 0; i < this->size; i++)
cin >> this->date[i];
//Overload operator indexing []
int& operator[](const int index)
return this->date[index];
friend void maxmin(IntArray x, FloatArray y);
delete this->date;
//class FloatArray
class FloatArray
int size;//Size array
double* date;//set double numbers
//Constructor parametrized
FloatArray(int _size = 1)
this->size = _size;//Set the size array
this->date = new double[this->size];//Alloc memory for (size) numbers
//Read Date
void read()
cout << "Please enter the numbers:\n";
for (int i = 0; i < this->size; i++)
cin >> this->date[i];
//Geting size array
int getSize()const
return this->size;
//Overload operator indexing []
double &operator[](const int index)
return this->date[index];
friend void maxmin(IntArray x, FloatArray y);
delete[] date;
void maxmin(IntArray x, FloatArray y)
double max = x[0] * 1.0;
double mn = max;
for (int i = 0; i < x.getSize(); i++)
if (x[i] * 1.0 > max)
max = x[i] * 1.0;
if (x[i] * 1.0 < mn)
mn = x[i] * 1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < y.getSize(); i++)
if (y[i] > max)
max = y[i];
if (y[i] < mn)
mn = y[i];
cout << "Max: " << max << endl;
cout << "Min: " << mn << endl;
int main()
cout << "Please enter size of IntArray: ";
int szInt;
cin >> szInt;
IntArray *x=new IntArray(szInt);
cout << "Please enter size of FloatArray: ";
int szFloat;
cin >> szFloat;
FloatArray *y=new FloatArray(szFloat);
maxmin(*x, *y);
return 0;
//Example test
1 2 3 4
1.25 2.666
Max 4
Min 1
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