Create a base class called Shape which has two double type values. Use member function getdata() to get the values. Use a virtual function display_area() to display the area. Derive two specific classes called Triangle and Rectangle from the base class Shape. Redefine display_area() in the derived classes. Write a program that, based on the user's choice, creates a rectangle or triangle object during runtime, points that object with a Shape class pointer, and calls the display_ area() method with that pointer.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Shape {
public: double a, b;
void get_data ()
virtual void display_area () = 0;
class Triangle:public Shape
public: void display_area ()
cout<<"Area of triangle "<<0.5*a*b<<endl;
class Rectangle:public Shape
public: void display_area ()
cout<<"Area of rectangle "<<a*b<<endl;
int main()
Triangle t;
Shape *st = &t;
cout<<"Enter base and altitude: ";
Rectangle r;
Shape *sr = &r;
cout<<"Enter length and breadth: ";
return 0;
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