Create a linked list, size of linked list will be dependent on the user. Insert the numbers in the linked list till the linked list reaches the size. Create a menu and perform the following function on that linked list.
• Traversal: To traverse all the nodes one after another.
• Insertion: To add a node at the given position.
• Deletion: To delete a node.
• Searching: To search an element(s) by value.
• Updating: To update a node
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Create a node
struct Node {
int item;
struct Node* next;
void insertAtBeginning(struct Node** ref, int data) {
// Allocate memory to a node
struct Node* new_node = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
// insert the item
new_node->item = data;
new_node->next = (*ref);
// Move head to new node
(*ref) = new_node;
// Insert a node after a node
void insertAfter(struct Node* prev_node, int data) {
if (prev_node == NULL) {
cout << "the given previous node cannot be NULL";
struct Node* new_node = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
new_node->item = data;
new_node->next = prev_node->next;
prev_node->next = new_node;
void insertAtEnd(struct Node** ref, int data) {
struct Node* new_node = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
struct Node* last = *ref;
new_node->item = data;
new_node->next = NULL;
if (*ref == NULL) {
*ref = new_node;
while (last->next != NULL)
last = last->next;
last->next = new_node;
void deleteNode(struct Node** ref, int key) {
struct Node *temp = *ref, *prev;
if (temp != NULL && temp->item == key) {
*ref = temp->next;
// Find the key to be deleted
while (temp != NULL && temp->item != key) {
prev = temp;
temp = temp->next;
// If the key is not present
if (temp == NULL) return;
// Remove the node
prev->next = temp->next;
// Print the linked list
void printList(struct Node* node) {
while (node != NULL) {
cout << node->item << " ";
node = node->next;
// Driver program
int main() {
struct Node* head = NULL;
insertAtEnd(&head, 1);
insertAtBeginning(&head, 2);
insertAtBeginning(&head, 3);
insertAtEnd(&head, 4);
insertAfter(head->next, 5);
cout << "Linked list: ";
cout << "\nAfter deleting an element: ";
deleteNode(&head, 3);
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