Elaborate at least five (5) real life applications with examples for each in form of source codes, the importance and usage of data structures
Data structures are used to store different types of data types in a single data type as of data structure. For example, a book has different attributes as follows:
Attribute Data Type
Titile string
Author string
Edition int
No. of pages int
ISDN No string
Library ID string
Now, all of the above attributes can be combined intoa single data type called as structure and can be declared as below:
Struct Book
String Title;
String Authors;
Int Edition;
Int No_of_Pages;
String ISDN_No;;
String ID;
If there are no. of books (100, say), then, array of Book can be declared as:
Struct Book B[100];
In this way, we have a data type as Book that has no. of data types as declared above. Each attribute canbe accessed using the dot operator.
Data structures facilitate computer programming to a great extent as new types of data type can be formed to suit the application requirement. Array of new data types can be formed. Access to array of data structures is linear and can be accesed using loops. Further arithmatic operations can be applied on indexing while ijsearch algorithjmsor traversing thoughout the data base.
There are different data structures available in C/C++ or in any computer programming language as listed below:
1. Arrays
2. Structure
3. Linked List
4. Stack
5. Unions
6. Queue
7. Graph
8. Tree
9. Hash Table
10. Heap
Example: Arrays
Int Score[10];
Example: Structures
Struct Book
String Author;
String Title;
Int No_of_pages;
Float Price;
Example Linked List
struct node
int data;
struct node *next;
Example Stack:
// Head pointer always points to first element of the linked list
struct node *head = NULL;
class Stack {
int top;
int a[MAX]; // Maximum size of Stack
Stack() { top = -1; }
bool push(int x);
int pop();
int peek();
bool isEmpty();
bool Stack::push(int x)
if (top >= (MAX - 1)) {
cout << "Stack Overflow";
return false;
else {
a[++top] = x;
cout << x << " pushed into stack\n";
return true;
Example Union:
union car
char name[50];
int price;
int main()
union car car1, car2, *car3;
return 0;
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