Let's make several functions, each of which will be responsible for calculating the area of the corresponding figure.
In the main function, we implement textual interaction with the user. We will read the commands and respond to them until the user enters the shutdown command.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double calculateSquareArea(double sideLength) {
return sideLength * sideLength;
double calculateRectangleArea(double weight, double height) {
return weight * height;
double calculateTriangleArea(double firstSide, double secondSide) {
return firstSide * secondSide / 2;
int main() {
string userResponse;
cout << "Please enter the instructions for what you want to do:" << "\n" <<
"Square - for calculating area of square by a single side" << "\n" <<
"Rectangle - for calculating area of rectangle by two sides" << "\n" <<
"Triangle - for calculating area of right triangle by two sides" << "\n" <<
"Exit - for closing this application" << "\n";
cout << "Your command: ";
while(true) {
cin >> userResponse;
if (userResponse == "Square") {
cout << "Enter a side value: ";
double side;
cin >> side;
cout << "Area of this square is " << calculateSquareArea(side) << "\n";
} else if (userResponse == "Rectangle") {
cout << "Enter a two values - width and height of a rectangle: ";
double width, height;
cin >> width >> height;
cout << "Area of this rectangle is " << calculateRectangleArea(width, height) << "\n";
} else if (userResponse == "Triangle") {
cout << "Enter a two values - first and second sides of a right triangle: ";
double firstSide, secondSide;
cin >> firstSide >> secondSide;
cout << "Area of this triangle is " << calculateTriangleArea(firstSide, secondSide) << "\n";
} else if(userResponse == "Exit") {
return 0;
cout << "Please write a next command: ";
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