Check of network adapters and protocols
If you do use an operating system of the Windows family open a command line as the administrator, using a combination of the keys "Windows + R" and enter into the field of the command line "cmd".
Or press a combination of the keys "Windows + X" and choose the section "Command Line (Administrator)" in a pop-up menu.
Ipconfig command
It is intended for information output about the IP setting up the protocol.
ipconfig [/? | /all | /release [adapter] | /renew [adapter] | /flushdns | /displaydns /registerdns | /showclassid adapter | /setclassid adapter [install_code_of_class_dhcp] ]
Adapter full name or name, contain substitutive signs "*" and "?" (* – any quantity of signs, ? – one any sign).
See examples keys:
Only the IP address, a mask of a subnet and a standard lock for each connected adapter for which the binding with TCP/IP is executed is by default displayed. For keys /release and /renew if the adapter name is not entered, then the IP address given for all adapters for which there are bindings with TCP/IP will be released or updated. For SetClassID key if the code of a class (ID) is not specified, then the
existing code of a class will be removed.
Example of a conclusion of summary of the IP address: ipconfig
Conclusion of full information: ipconfig /all
Release all matching connections: ipconfig /release
Very often there is a need to keep or transfer information issued by the ipconfig command for receiving a consultation. In this case, it is necessary to use the standard mechanism of a conclusion of the results of the work of command in the text file. For this purpose, it is necessary to give the command with a file name where information will be output. In this case, it is necessary to give the command in a command line
ipconfig /all >C:\ipcfg.txt
After the implementation of this command in the root folder of a disk C: the ipcfg.txt file (it is possible to enter a name of the file any), in which all information issued by command is written down will be created. This file can be checked a usual text editor, to attach to the message or to copy its contents in an e-mail or a post on a forum.
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